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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
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1 trait consisting of 2 or multiple parts with different layer orders (Forced combination rule)
Allow user to make one trait (consisting of 2 parts/layers) simultaneously above and below layers in the art generator. For example: Hat Front which is above all layers (shown in meta data) and Hat back which is below certain layers (Not shown in m
In Progress
Deleting some created NFTs in the generator (remove the trait combination forever)
Make it possible to delete some NFTs based on the preview, generate new ones accordingly and remove the combinations from the random generation forever. That would be awesome for reviewing the collection and delete all combinations that are unaest
Subscription NFTs
Allow project to set subscription end dates, with coundown to expiration in the metadata (or even on chain), or use import this feature from Unlock protocol.
Accept any ERC20 token to mint
Allow contract to accept any ERC20 of choice as payment to mint token
Search bar to filter by project name
Would be nice to see search bar, when users can insert project name to filter by it without neccesity to scroll throgh all existing projects as it is right now.
Re-base ETH sale price to fiat value nightly
I would like the ability to set a fiat value for the mint (i.e. $500) and have the contract either ask for the equivalent value in ETH on mint. *or adjust nightly
Attribute gating
Offer allowlist spots to holders of a collection, but only those whose NFTs have certain attributes.
Add drop schedule
I would like to be able to schedule my drop (date and time). I'd also like to spread it out over several days and select how many NFTs per day I drop. With the scheduling, I'd also like to set when the NFTs get revealed after each drop date.
Token gated community voting system
Allow Aptos blockchain
I recommend introducing support for aptos projects too. The ecosystem is growing exponentially.
Add Snapshot for ERC-1155
Add functionality to take snapshots of an NFT collection for ERC-1155
allow first mint free
allow a wallet to get 1 for free but any after the first for that wallet have a set eth cost per mint
Airdrop via batch minting
It would be great to allow for the ability the contract owner to batch mint and airdrop the NFT to provided wallet addresses.
Integrate Layer Zero Protocol
Using/integrating Layer Zero protocol would allow people to launch collections on a given chain, and also mint from other (applicable) chains
Allow Multiple (3+) Claim Phases That Can Be Scheduled
This would be more than just allowlist and public. Something like Holders, then Allowlist, the Public, and the ability to schedule each one to start and end at multiple times.
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